In the traditional card a woman calmly controls a lion - indicative of compassionate and measured inner strength. In this version, a gentle unassuming creature shows us the vast space of possibility existing between confidence and creeping doubt. The message is to hold on, seadfast, to calm intuition.
Featuring Finiliar #3149 by the Finiliar team.

Finiliar are living NFTs that use oracles to respond to fluctuations in  cryptocurrencies. They become buoyant when the currency they are linked to does well, and sad when it performs poorly. As a crytocurrency, the Doge is a cynical story about the gap between confidence and doubt, written in losses and wins in the incalculable market for a token homage to a tamed cute creature.

function draw ( ) {
balance (contradiction);
internal (external);
many (one);

Tarot Code is a series of original works created in p5.js.